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Products tagged with

CHENG, PATRICK Rainbow Theology : Bridging Race Sex And Spirit
Rainbow Theology : Bridging Race Sex And Spirit
Systematically examines the theological writings of LGBTIQ people of color in order to reflect upon the theological significance of the intersections of race and queer sexuality across multiple ethnic and cultural groups.
MILLIKIN, GREGORY Being Called Being Gay by Gregory Millikin
Being Called Being Gay by Gregory Millikin
Looks at the issue of discernment in the Episcopal Church by LGBTQ individuals while simultaneously taking seriously the dynamics for a gay person seeking to discern his or her future in the church.
CHENG, PATRICK Radical Love by Patrick Cheng
Radical Love by Patrick Cheng
A historical survey of how queer theology has developed from the 1950s to today and then explicates the themes of queer theology using the ecumenical creeds as a general framework. Topics include revelation, God, Trinity, creation, Jesus Christ, atonement
Beyond a Binary God
Beyond a Binary God
Tara Soughers explores theology from the position of a trans ally—a parent of a trans young adult as well as priest.
MARTIN, JAMES Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church And the Lgbt Can Enter Into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion And Sensitivity by James Martin
Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church And the Lgbt Can Enter Into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion And Sensitivity by James Martin
Jesuit priest and New York Times bestselling author James Martin makes the surprisingly controversial argument that Catholic leaders should stop seeing the LGBT community as "the other" and instead reach out to them with greater compassion and openness.