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Other Translations

New Oxford Annotated Bible w/ Apocrypha, NRSV, Genuine Leather
New Oxford Annotated Bible w/ Apocrypha, NRSV, Genuine Leather
With twenty new essays and introductions and others as well as annotations fully revised, offers the reader flexibility for any learning style.

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NKJV Large Print, Wide Margin Reference Bible
NKJV Large Print, Wide Margin Reference Bible
The perfect choice to dig deeper in God’s Word with extra margin space for your thoughts while enjoying easy-to-read large print font.
TYNDALE New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament by Tyndale House
New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament by Tyndale House
The bestselling New Greek/English Interlinear New Testament has been updated for the twenty-first century with the United Bible Societies’ 5th edition/Nestle-Aland 28th edition text.
The Apocrphya - the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books of Old Testament  -NRSV
The Apocrphya - the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books of Old Testament -NRSV
Many of the Apocryphal or Deuterocanonical Books have been translated with reference to Greek texts whose authority has been enhanced by manuscripts discovered at Qumran, Masada and other Biblical sites.
GERMAN BIBLE SOCIETY Greek New Testament With Dictionary
Greek New Testament With Dictionary
The Greek New Testament, 5th Revised Edition is designed for translators and students. This is the leading edition of the original text of the New Testament.
Holy Bible: New Living Translation
Holy Bible: New Living Translation
The Holy Bible, Gift and Award is an extremely low-priced, complete Bible for gift giving, travel, or evangelism and ministry use.
THOMPSON, FRANK CHARLES Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter, ESV
Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter, ESV
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible study
The Inclusive Bible:  the First Egalitarian Translation
The Inclusive Bible: the First Egalitarian Translation
Seeking to be faithful to the original languages, Priests for Equality have sought new and non-sexist ways to express the same ancient truths.
New Oxford Annotated Bible With Apocrypha - Revised Standard Version
New Oxford Annotated Bible With Apocrypha - Revised Standard Version
RSV New Oxford Annotated Bible, Genuine black leather
NKJV Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Comfort Print by Thomas Nelson
NKJV Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Comfort Print by Thomas Nelson
This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for studying the Bible.
Zondervan The Jesus Bible, ESV Edition by Zondervan
The Jesus Bible, ESV Edition by Zondervan
Encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture. From the Passion movement, The Jesus Bible, ESV Edition, lifts Jesus up as the lead story of the Bible and encourages you to faithfully follow him as you participate in his story.
NELSON, THOMAS Icb, Holy Bible, Hardcover: International Children's Bible - Large Print by Thomas Nelson
Icb, Holy Bible, Hardcover: International Children's Bible - Large Print by Thomas Nelson
The ICB Holy Bible, published in a translation perfect for elementary age kids, is filled with dozens of beautifully designed, color illustrations to help children visualize popular Bible characters and events.
Nkj Macarthur Study Bible
Nkj Macarthur Study Bible
Dr. John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word.
Santa Biblia Nvi, Edicion Misionera, Circulos, Rustica.
Santa Biblia Nvi, Edicion Misionera, Circulos, Rustica.
La NVI es un clásico moderno. Biblia de bajo costo que incluye la tipografía Comfort Print®; ideal para el trabajo ministerial y congregacional.