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Parenting and Faith

DRESS, AMELIA RICHARDSON The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children In Uncertain Times  by Amelia Richardson Dress
The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children In Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress
Raise hopeful, grounded and action-oriented children in a time that feels full of uncertainty.
KITCH, ANNE Water of Baptism Water For Life by Anne Kitch
Water of Baptism Water For Life by Anne Kitch
Water is the visible sign of Baptism, which calls us to serve others in the world. It is also essential for life. Having clean water for all God’s children is an act of justice, love, respect and a core value of what it means to be a Christian.
Stories of God At Home: a Godly Play Approach by Jerome Berryman
Stories of God At Home: a Godly Play Approach by Jerome Berryman
A method for families to share the biblical story at home and learn the practice of sharing one another's stories as part of God's Story.
NYE, REBECCA Children's Spirituality : What It Is And Why It Matters
Children's Spirituality : What It Is And Why It Matters
This concise guide is an ideal introduction to the increasingly popular topic of children's spirituality. Paperback. 128 pages.