Guia Para El Camino - Spanish Language by Robert Wright And Donna Mote
Spanish edition of the Go Guide, from Bishop Robert C Wright and the Rev. Donna Mote, Vicar of ATL.
Innovations in ministry that address questions for the Church going into the world.
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In ten brief chapters Bishop Robert C. Wright and Missioner Donna S. Mote excavate and examine ten principles for innovations in ministry drawn from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 10 that address questions for the Church going into the world. This is the curriculum for the kinds of missional activity developing in the Diocese of Atlanta. We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually. Paperback.
Spanish edition of the Go Guide, from Bishop Robert C Wright and the Rev. Donna Mote, Vicar of ATL.
En diez breves capítulos, el obispo Robert C. Wright y la misionera Donna S. Mote excavan y examinan diez principios para innovaciones en el ministerio extraídos del Evangelio de Lucas, Capítulo 10, que abordan preguntas para la Iglesia que va al mundo. Este es el plan de estudios para los tipos de actividades misionales que se desarrollan en la Diócesis de Atlanta. Nos desafiamos a nosotros mismos y al mundo a amar como Jesús mientras adoramos con alegría, servimos con compasión y crecemos espiritualmente. Esta es la traducción al español.