The Gospel of John: Volume Two by William Barclay
In this volume Barclay helps give the reader a sharpened perception of the emphases of this Gospel. Written during a time when heresies abounded, the Gospel of John clarifies both the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of Matthew: Volume Two by William Barclay
A study of the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 11 though 28.
The Gospel of Matthew : Volume One by William Barclay
The text for each day's study of Matthew Chapters 1 - 10 followed with two or three pages of commentary.
The Letters To Timothy, Titus And Philemon by William Barclay
These New Testament books deal with topics that should be of great interest to today's readers. As with his other books, William Barclay displays a remarkable writing talent that combines a profound mastery of the ancient languages with the wider conversa
The Acts of the Apostles Enlarged Print Edition by William Barclay
A discussion of Luke's skill as a historian, the accuracy of his sources, and the honesty with which he uses them. Full of unique insights and little-known information about the background of the early Church, this volume again displays Barclay's great ab