Climb Higher : Creating a Vision For Giving And Discipleship by Scott Mckenzie
SCOTT MCKENZIE & KRISTINE MILLER ClimbHigherchallenges the negative connotations associated with "stewardship" and invites congregations to completely change the conversation around this critically important topic. Instead of talking about the needs of the church budget,ClimbHighersuggests a discovery of your congregation's compelling vision for ministry. Instead of selecting your stewardship leaders by default,CLIMBencourages the development of strong leadership through setting clear and challenging expectations. ClimbHigherinvolves changing the entire culture of your congregation to one of gratitude, where conversations revolve around sharing God's abundance rather than holding on fearfully.ClimbHigherencourages the sharing of ministry stories rather than pledging to a budget. And, finally,ClimbHigherasserts that if you truly believe expressing generosity results in a deeper connection to God, you have no choice but to boldly ask others to become more generous givers. Paperback 128 pp