Christian Life & Spirituality
Looking for God in Messy Places: A Book about Hope
In this messy world, author Jake Owensby shows us how hope and love give us all the strength to carry on and thrive.
Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn't Have to Heal from
A thoughtful and caring look at ways to nurture a child's natural wonder and curiosity about the relationship between God and God's people. Inspiring ideas on how to help children plant a relationship with God that can grow a lifetime.
Prayers To Calm Your Heart
Beautifully designed and thoughtfully curated, this book offers scripture and insights for times of stress and worry.
Into the Wilderness: Understanding the True Nature of Sin
A new look at how we can understand sin and how we can live more fully into a healing relationship with God and others.
Everyday Psalmist
A beautiful, full-color guide to practicing prayer through the language of the psalms.
The Year in Liturgy and Church History...Through A Cathedral Window
Featuring the art, stained glass windows, and more at The Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, GA.
Anam Cara Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
Anam Cara Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
The Art of Calm by Roger Hutchison (paperback)
A guide to using art as a balm to the anxiety and pressure of today's world.
Dining with the Saints: The Sinner's Guide to a Righteous Feast
A culinary journey through the liturgical seasons produced by Michael Foley and tv chef Leo Patalinghug.
Life Worth Living
Based on the Yale class, a guide to defining and then creating a flourishing life, and answering one of life’s most pressing questions: how are we to live?
Listening Hearts 30th Anniversary Edt.
This 30th anniversary edition presents the unique approach of Listening Hearts to the spiritual practice of discernment for a new generation.
Practice of the Presence (translation by Carmen Acevedo Butcher)
A compelling new translation of Brother Lawrence's classic spiritual work.
Do This, Remembering Me