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KEATING, THOMAS Open Mind Open Heart by Thomas Keating
Open Mind Open Heart by Thomas Keating
In this paperback on the contemplative dimension of the Gospel, Father Thomas Keating explains contemplative prayer practices. In this excerpt, he shares two practices which can extend the effects of centering prayer into everyday life.
HEUERTZ, PHILEENA Mindful Silence by Phileena Heuertz
Mindful Silence by Phileena Heuertz
Filled with insights and wisdom from personal experiences, Phileena introduces us to themes and teachers of contemplative spirituality, as well as several prayer practices, and invites us to greater healing and wholeness by learning to practice faith thro
HIGGINBOTHAM, STUART Contemplation And Community : a Gathering of Fresh Voices For a Living Tradition by Stuart Higginbotham
Contemplation And Community : a Gathering of Fresh Voices For a Living Tradition by Stuart Higginbotham
"Contemplation and Community is a collection of stories which brings together the diverse voices who have emerged as new leaders of the contemplative movement.
Bread Enough For All: a Day1 Guide To Life by Peter M. Wallace
Bread Enough For All: a Day1 Guide To Life by Peter M. Wallace
For the 75th anniversary of The Protestant Hour and Day1 ministry, host Peter Wallace has gathered dozens of inspiring excerpts from the most powerful sermons.
DELIO, ILIA Franciscan Prayer by Ilia Delio
Franciscan Prayer by Ilia Delio
Masterfully written and intensely enlightening, Franciscan Prayer could very well be considered the essential handbook for all those seeking to pray and live the Franciscan way.
A Tree Full of Angels
A Tree Full of Angels
The Benedictine tradition and practice of divine reading made accessible for everyone.
LEWIS, C. S. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis explores the common ground upon which all of those of Christian faith stand together.
JUDY, DWIGHT Discerning Life Transitions: Listening Together In Spiritual Direction
Discerning Life Transitions: Listening Together In Spiritual Direction
Every one of us will experience several major life changes over the course of adulthood.
BOURGEAULT, CYNTHIA The Heart of Centering Prayer
The Heart of Centering Prayer
A practical, complete course in the practice and explanation of what actually happens in Centering Prayer: the mind effectively switches to a new operating system that makes possible the perception of nonduality.
SMITH, AMOS Be Still And Listen: Experience the Presence of God
Be Still And Listen: Experience the Presence of God
Seeking spiritual meaning in the "noise" of 21st century life
The Monastic Heart: 50 Simple Practices For a Contemplative And Fulfilling Life by Joan Chittester
The Monastic Heart: 50 Simple Practices For a Contemplative And Fulfilling Life by Joan Chittester
Sister Joan Chittister’s words on monasticism begin “In every beating heart is a silent undercurrent that calls each of us, to a place unknown, to the vision of a wiser life, to become what I feel I must be - but cannot name.”
O'DONOHUE, JOHN Eternal Echoes by John O'donohue
Eternal Echoes by John O'donohue
John O'Donohue, author of the bestseller Anam Cara, tells us here is a divine restlessness in the human heart, our eternal echo of longing that lives deep within us and never lets us settle for what we have or where we are.
Set Aside Every Fear (30 Days With a Great Spiritual Teacher) by Catherine of Siena
Set Aside Every Fear (30 Days With a Great Spiritual Teacher) by Catherine of Siena
Set Aside Every Fear is a simple thirty-day devotional based on the classic spirituality of St. Catherine of Siena, who was declared a doctor of the Church in 1970.
BOURLAKAS, MARTHA JOHNSON Love Feast by Martha Johnson Boulakas
Love Feast by Martha Johnson Boulakas
Tackles head-on the difficulties and joys of family life, especially with a "special needs" child
Miracles And Other Reasonable Things by Sarah Bessey
Miracles And Other Reasonable Things by Sarah Bessey
In the brief instant Sarah Bessey realized that her minivan was, inevitably, going to hit the car on the highway on the bright, clear day of the crash, she knew intuitively that it would have life-changing consequences.
MCCOLMAN, CARL Answering the Contemplative Call by Carl Mccolman
Answering the Contemplative Call by Carl Mccolman
In Answering the Contemplative Call, McColman offers a practice that will help readers come to a place meaning and purpose in their lives.